In this presentation, we will look at 5 cases of algorithmic bias to understand its causes and consequences. These cases will demonstrate how prejudices about gender and race can easily infiltrate into Artificial Intelligence programs, reinforcing systems of oppression, perpetuating dominant ideologies and power relations, and affecting the lives of historically marginalized groups. Finally, you'll find a set of questions to think critically about algorithmic bias and discuss implications.

After exploring these cases discuss the following questions:
Why is the study of algorithmic bias important for our society? What can we learn about ourselves through it? Instead of perpetuating disparities, how could it be used in a positive way?
In the design process of algorithms, how could we ensure that these remain objective and transparent? What are the main challenges to achieving this goal?
Biases in technology inevitably configure our behavior and view of reality. How has your life been impacted by technologies that are biased? Can you identify how it has influenced your thinking? How can you undo such conditioning?
Biases are a reflection of our ideologies. Describe how algorithms could reflect ideologies that are just? Can you find any examples of that in your experience with technology?
We’ve described cases of algorithmic bias that affect women and people of color. What other minorities could be in danger due to algorithmic bias and how?
Many algorithms are built on patterns that are a result of correlations of old data. If algorithms are built on machine learning, which entails using data from the past which is biased, how can we approach creating patterns that are bias-free?
What are the underlying forces behind algorithmic bias that might be difficult to break? What type of socioeconomic change does it require?
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