A set of critical illustrations of digital labour and its exploitative qualities.

.case 1:
(Click on the arrows inside the slider to navigate)

.case 2:
.surveillance technologies
(Click on the arrows inside the slider to navigate)

.case 3:
(Click on the arrows inside the slider to navigate)

These stories were inspired by the literary works on digital labor of Crawford (2021), Duffy (2017), Gandini (2021), and Peuter & Young (2019).
(References below)

Crawford, K. (2021). Atlas of AI. Yale University Press.
Duffy, B. (2017). (Not) getting paid to do what you love: Gender, social media, and aspirational work. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
De Peuter, G., & Young, C. J. (2019). Contested formations of digital game labor. Television & New Media, 20(8), 747-755.
Gandini, A. (2021). Digital labour: An empty signifier?. Media, Culture and Society, Vol. 43(2), 369-380.