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multimodal teaching



This website was created as a resource to promote and facilitate the use of varied modalities in the teaching practices of professional educators. It was created, and is managed by, four educators enrolled in The University of British Columbia’s (UBC) ETEC 510 - Design of Technology-Supported Learning Environments course, a core course within UBC’s Masters of Educational Technology program (see About Us).

Grounded in research, the site explores the concept of modalities (ways of making and expressing meaning) and multiliteracies (the ability to interpret the messages presented by these different modalities), and offers a wealth of resources for educators to utilize in their own classrooms.

our goal

Through this website, we aim to empower teachers in creating new learning opportunities that are designed to be more consistent with the changing needs and preferences of today’s learners. This will in turn better develop students to engage in an increasingly globalized world. This support will manifest itself through an exploration of the key ideas of modalities and multiliteracies (see Frameworks); an examination of different modalities, related tools, and examples (see Modes); suggestions and resources to help promote multimodality/multiliteracies in the classroom (see Implementation); and a feedback section aimed at helping educators reflect on their own practice and use of different modalities in the classroom (see Feedback). 

We want to promote meta-cognitive  and meta-linguistic practices so that teachers can reflect not just on the content they present to students, but on how it is presented, received, and re-constructed by the students.


This video explains in detail how to navigate the different sections within the website. 

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