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the objectives
of multimodal teaching

• Accommodating diverse learner needs through incorporating various learning preferences simultaneously.

• Supporting multiliteracy, which also aids in 21st century learner skills.

• Improving the retention of content and application of competencies.

• Mirroring real-life experiences to create meaningful learning experiences.

• Promoting creativity and collaboration within learning. 

• Encouraging connections between different texts. 

• Enhancing student engagement in their learning processes.

combining modes

Since the multimodal learning style involves a combination of learning modalities, multimodal learning strategies require strategies from each style. Multimodal learning incorporates multimedia and uses different strategies at once. An ideal multimodal learning environment would incorporate as many  strategies as possible.

Abstract Flame

tips for implementation


  • Use textbooks with plenty of pictures and diagrams

  • Include visual elements in lessons, like slideshows or videos

  • Let students organize their thoughts in flowcharts, diagrams or graphs

  • Explain key concepts with illustrations or pictures

  • Color-code assignments or use different font styles to emphasize terms

  • Assign visual projects like art, diagrams or models


The lesson activities below utilize modes together to effectively deliver and comprehend competencies within the various curriculum areas and can be adapted to other contexts as well. The combination of modes not only aid in accommodating learner diversity and engagement, they also allow for various senses to be activated and create a richer learning experience.

EY : Early years

MY : Middle years

SY + : Senior Years and higher






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