about us
​This project was created as a part of a design project for the course ETEC 510: Design of Technology-Supported Learning Environments in the Master of Educational Technology program at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.


I am a grade 8 teacher from the Minnedosa Manitoba. I have a passion for learning and using multimodal teaching practices and tools in my classroom to engage my students through active and critical learning. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy being active, coaching, and out fishing and paddling.

I am a high school English, Digital Learning, and Tech Leadership teacher in British Columbia, Canada. I utilize technology to engage in multimodal teaching practices and both encourage and support my students' diverse learning experiences. I am also a lifelong learner, currently enrolled in the MET program at the University of British Columbia. In addition to teaching and learning, I enjoy reading and listening to stories, alternative baking, and exploring new adventures and experiences!

I am a multimedia artist, educator. and music producer currently based in Lima, Peru. I have collaborated with a variety of professionals creating multimedia for the production of several successful advertising campaigns. as an educator, my interests include constructivist pedagogies, technology-supported learning environments, innovative assessment, multiliteracy, culture and communication in learning environments, and curriculum transformation.
Born and raised in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada, I am a secondary mathematics teacher living and working on Greater Vancouver's North Shore. I'm passionate about discovering new and innovative ways to support my students, knowing that no single solution will work for them all. In my spare time you'll likely find me exploring nature trails or cooking up a storm in the kitchen.