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Eva Ayllón (born 1956) is an Afro-Peruvian composer and singer, also known as La Reina del Landó (The Queen of Landó). She is considered one of the greatest icons of Afro-Peruvian music, música criolla, and traditional Peruvian music in general. Ayllón is a winner of the Latin Grammy for Musical Excellence for her contribution to Peruvian culture and has been nominated ten times for Best Folk Album (PeruInfo , 2019). 

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Eva Ayllón (2022, February 9). In Wikipedia.

PeruInfo (2019, September 16). Discover the career of Eva Ayllón, awarded the latin Grammy for musical excellence.

ETEC 511: New Foundations of Educational Technology

Master of Educational Technology (MET)

The University of British Columbia

Eduardo Rebagliati, 2022

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